Looking for a great beginning ukulele? Try this one!

And here’s the book we suggest for young beginners:

We’re often asked if we have any recommendations for electronic pianos. We love the Casio Privia because of its weighted keys and lifelike sound. This is an instrument that will serve students throughout their musical education. In fact, it’s what Miss Mindy uses in her home. There are many packages available!

These are the books we use for piano students.

Please double-check the level with your teacher before ordering!


For preschool-aged beginners:

(Students should have both the piano book and the writing book)


For preschool-aged intermediate students:

(Students should have both the piano book and the writing book)


For beginners in kindergarten:


For intermediate students in kindergarten:


For beginning students in first grade and above:


Level 1:


Level 2:


Level 3:


Level 4:

For High School and Adult Beginners:

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