Common Questions

+ What kinds of lessons do you offer?

Piano, Voice, Guitar, and Ukulele. We also offer private coaching for actors.

+ How does billing work? Do we pay for the lesson each week?

Lessons are purchased in packages of 10. Once the 10 lessons have been used, you will be invoiced for the next package. The trial lesson may be paid for individually at the regular hourly rate.

+ What is your cancelation policy?

We are committed to helping students learn to love music lessons. We understand that sometimes things happen which require a lesson to be canceled at the last minute. (A child comes home sick from school/ had a particularly difficult day, etc,) We would prefer the lesson be canceled rather than push a student through who is ill or not open to learning on that day. Therefore, you will never be charged for a cancelation. We appreciate your consideration, however, in canceling lessons with as much notice as possible.

If cancelations start to happen regularly, we may discuss whether this is a good time in the students’ life for music lessons. If the parent and teacher decide together that the lessons should be put on pause, we will save your balance to be used at a later date.

+ What is the right age to start piano lessons?

Every student is different. We have had success with students starting as young as 3 ½. We have had other students wait until they were 10. We are generally looking for two basic things: 1. A willingness and interest in taking lessons 2. A long enough attention span to work with a teacher one-on-one for 30 minutes. Lessons for younger children/ pre-readers will focus more on musicality and gross motor skills at first. Finer motor skills and early reading will be introduced as the child develops.

+ Is 30 minutes the minimum lesson length?

Since our teachers travel, 30 minutes is the shortest length of time we can ask them to be in any one location. An exception to the “30 minute rule” will be made for younger siblings of students who take a lesson for at least 30 minutes. We have found that often, younger siblings are very interested in what the older is doing. A weekly mini-lesson of 15 minutes can often turn that spark of interest into lesson-readiness!


Want to get started with lessons, or have a question?

Send us a message and and someone will be in touch shortly!

We will ask you a few questions by phone about the student and your availability. We will then set up a trial lesson with one of our teachers to be sure we have made a good personality match.

After this trial, if you decide to continue you will be billed for your first package.